Aorangi News - Sept 2013

aorangi news6 sept13FEEDBACK ON OWNERS HUI - Held 3rd October 2012

Thank you to whanau who were able to attend last year’s hui. This time It was held at Omahu Marae and had a good turnout A reminder they are held every three years alternating between Marae in Kahungunu and Mokai Patea. Next hui will be 2015 in Mokai Patea, if we have your current address you will receive a notice.

When Trust has Owner’s hui they pay a Kaumatua Grant of $150 to those 65 years and over. We received 62 applications in this round and paid out $8250.00. One ap-plication was declined because it did not make it by due date. This is important so remember to share your notices with whanau or better still contact our Administrator to update details. If you would like copy of Owner’s Book let us know.

Click image to view our September 2013 newsletter (PDF)

Aorangi News - August 2009

aorangi news4 aug09 1Tēnā rā koutou e noho mai ra puta noa o ngā marae kainga. Kei makariritanga te marangai ai aue te mamae a te tinana me te wairua. Ko te tumanako kei mua rā te raumati kua tae te mahanatanga o te wā. No reira noho mai rā i runga i ngā mana-akitanga a te Atua I runga rawa.

Heoi ano raa, Isaac Hunter, Hemana.

Click image to view our AUGUST 2009 newsletter- PDF - 620kb

Aorangi News - May 2015

aorangi news07 march2015Aorangi Awarua Trust Panuitia - Issue 7—May 15

Viewable as a PDF document - 941kb
Click here to view our May 2015 newsletter (PDF)

Aorangi News - March 2012

aorangi news5 mar2012Kua ngaro atu te whetu o puaanga i kitea ai o kanohi..aue taukiri eee
Kua riro atu kite huihuinga o te kahurangi.. aue taukiri eee”

(Puaanga gazes upon those who assemble at the spiritual home at Kahurangi)

Nga mihi e tatou ma e noho mai na o kainga maha me o marae katoa. Ki nga tini mate mai ite po huri ite ao, haere atu ra. Me pea ra e noho ki to tatou whare ki tenei hotoka… aue te makariritanga ki tenei hotoka. No reira noho ora mai ki nga mana-akitanga ki to tatou ariki.

Isaac Hunter—Hemana
Click image to view our March 2012 newsletter PDF - 1.12mb

Aorangi News - March 2008


Te rangatira, e te taonga kia whakatangi atu koe te mamae aroha iwaenganui ia matou. Kua ngaro ake ki te huihuinga o te mano o ngā whetu ite rangi. Ki te po tangotango ki te po kerekere ki te po i oti atu. Hoki atu rā ki te wairua ou kuia me ou koroua i runga ite awa o Whanganui, waitukukiri o te Iwi, waiherunga o ngā maatua tupuna. Me ki te whakatauaki, “Mai te Ka-hui Maunga ki Tangaroa”. Tupoho, Tamaupoko, Hine Ngakau, Ngati Rangi, Ngatiawa - ko koe tena. Haere e hoki atu ki to tātou kaihanga o ēnei mea katoa… haere atu rāIt is with sadness we record the passing of a Trustee, Rangipo MeteKingi who died in January of this year following a short illness. Rangipo wasburied at Christchurch.

Click image to view our APRIL 2008 newsletter PDF - 1.15mb

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